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APWEN Stresses Need For Capacity Building On STEM Among Girls

TECH DIGEST – The need for young girls to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM for the development of the country and humanity was a subject for discourse at the just concluded capacity building organised by the Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria, APWEN.

Organising the 3rd Nkechi Isigwe Annual Lecture in commemoration of the International Day of the Girl-child, the President, APWEN, Engr. Funmilola Ojelade, FNSE, stressed capacity building is a way of enhancing the capacity of the girl-child to impact her environment.

While promising that the efforts will be sustained by the association, she called on female children to stand up against all limitations on their way to progress.

“The theme, “Capacity Building”, was fashioned out by Engr. Nkechi Isigwe who passionately desires to see others, especially the younger ones, be the best they can be. The organization’s educational programs in encouraging the girl-child to become engineers which is the vision of our founding mothers”, she stated.

In her address, Engr. Nkechinyere Isigwe said Africa has the youngest demography of people adding that, there is need to continue to champion efforts towards creation of jobs.

“We need to develop capacity of women to pay for their own children. If we are able develop the capacity of women, we will rule the world. Capacity building is directed towards job creation because we have lots of young people and we need to create job.

“We need to do something towards building the capacity of young people if not; we are creating a time bomb on our hands. We need to think of how to develop the capacity of young people, women and girl-children”, she urged.

In her contribution, the past president of APWEN, Mrs. Amusu commended Engr. Isigwe for her contributions to the development of Engineering in Nigeria, adding that “she has contributed a lot particularly in encouraging young girls to study STEM which she regarded as a good legacy.

In her remarks, another past President of the Association, Engr. Felicia Agubata, eulogised Engr. Isigwe for being an inspiration to members in the area of capacity building for the girl-child.

In his lecture, Engr. Austyne DURU MNSE, MIEEE, FIMC, opined that, the lecture will enable private and public educational institutions, professional bodies, industries and government agencies to drive industrialization in Nigeria through capacity building in engineering innovation, indigenous products development and manufacturing