Brand Image: Building trust for oil and gas sector

By Kabir Abdulsalam

TECHDIGEST – When it comes to measuring brand image – credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise are essential factors that play a significant role in shaping public perceptions.

Trust is critical to all businesses. Without it, customers and investors take flight and profits tumble. Measuring brand image requires credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise has a significant role in shaping public perceptions.

For oil and gas sector, with the focus on demonstrating that they could extract hydrocarbons and provide fuel to customers effectively, managing a public relations strategy is also indispensable to the growth of the company.

Many factors play into building successful and ethical businesses in the 21st century; yet, communications play a vital role on how a company speaks to its community and, in turn, how they see themselves and their role in society.

Below are few ways public relations pros can build trust and credibility reflects a positive and trustworthy image in oil and gas sector.

Define your Value and Brand Expertise

As public relations strategy is a way to understand and define your core value for an Oil and gas coy to explain positive solutions, actions and conversations, that will help build positive public perception and engagement is Indeed paramount.

Alias, when hosting an event of all kinds or for community, you should be communicating in clear terms how the event connects to the your core values.

Community Engagement

Using public relations to form connections with your target audience on corporate social responsibility efforts within your firm’s strategy.

Instead of a one-way communication strategy where you simply give information to consumers, PR helps you build mutually beneficial relationships where the public can interact freely with your firm.

Generate Conversation

Conversations between consumers, all stakeholders will be happening. Apex, a Canadian PR firm, undertook a survey to understand factors shaping public perception for oil companies.

After the survey, they realized they needed to shift public perception from this industry as a “necessary evil” in people’s daily lives to a persona conversation.

Becoming an active participant in the conversation is a vital way to leverage your expertise about the industry as a whole and the ways in which the sector is working to address shared challenges.

Tell your Story

PR is about storytelling, the energy sector has a complicated set of stakeholders when it comes to public relations. They must speak in equal parts to government, industry, investors, consumers, activists (CSOs), employees and the host Community.

Your story is an essential part of keeping your message focused, consistent and factual. Novelist Tony Spencer-Smith states the following about storytelling: “Stories need conflict, drama and setbacks”.

Storytelling should be an opportunity to inspire, connect and ultimately stimulate the audience’s feelings, ideas, and attitudes to align with your marketing goals.

As a PR professional, developing crisis and litigation management approaches is inevitable, this could help in measuring your crisis management plans ahead of the crisis. With these points raise above effective exhibition of this kind can rigid how you actualise you daily activities.


Kabir Abdulsalam is managing Editor to Spokespersons Digest and Staff writer with PRNigeria